Recipes arabe
Recipes arabe
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Oggi prepariamo una torta alle mandorle, un dolce semplice e squisito, perfetto per una colazione o una merenda genuina. La sua consistenza morbida e il suo sapore delicato la rendono un'opzione gradita a grandi e piccini.
La torta alle mandorle è un dolce facile da preparare, versatile e delizioso. Perfetto per ogni occasione, è un'ottima alternativa ai dolci industriali.
_ 4 Uova.
_ Un cucchiaio di zucchero di canna ( Facoltativo )
_ 160 g di mandorle macinate.
_ Cioccolato fondente ( Facoltativo )
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#torta #dolce #dessert #torta_di_mandorle #mousse_al_cioccolato
#ice_cream #torta_al_cioccolato
#dolce_facile #dolce_veloce
#viral #trending #foryoupage
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Переглядів: 445


Homemade dessert that I never get tired of eating, creamy and melts in your mouth.
Переглядів 3,1 тис.День тому
Dolce fatto in casa che non mi stanco mai di mangiare, cremoso se scioglie in bocca. @ricettearabe @ricettearabedolci INGREDIENTI: Primo strato: _ 400 gr di biscotti ( 14,28 oz ) _ 140 gr burro fuso ( 1/2 Cup 1 Tbsp ) Secondo strato: _ Un litro di latte ( 4 Cup 3 Tbsp ) _ 2 Bustine di crème caramel. _ 160 gr di biscotti ( 5,71 oz ) _ 130 gr di formaggio Philadelphia ( 1/2 Cup ) _ Cacao amaro. A...
THE FAMOUS CREPES SUZETTE FRANCAISE RECIPE! Very delicious and perfect recipe, to try immediately.
Переглядів 3,2 тис.День тому
LA FAMOSA RICETTA DELLE CREPES SUZETTE FRANCAISE! Una ricetta davvero deliziosa e perfetta, da provare subito. INGREDIENTI: _ 260 g di farina di grano tenero. _ 3 uova. _ 50 g di zucchero. _ Una bustina di vaniglia. _ Pizzico di sale. _ 500 ml di Latte aggiungere poco alla volta. _ 50 g di burro fuso. _ Scorza di 4 arance. _250 ml di succo d'arance. _ 50 g di zucchero. _ 10 g di amido di mais. ...
Just flour and hot water!! Prepare this fabulous dessert, WITHOUT EGGS AND WITHOUT MILK!! #Sweet
Переглядів 4,1 тис.День тому
Solo farina e acqua calda!! Prepara questo favoloso dolce, ottimi per colazione o menrenda. SENZA UOVA E SENZA LATTE!! #dolce INGREDIENTI: _ 260 g Farina di grano tenero 00 ( 2 Cup 2 Tbsp ) _ 7 g Lievito secco ( 1/2 Tbsp ) _ Vanillina. _ 2 Cucchiai di zucchero. _ Mezzo cucchiaio di sale. _ 100 ml acqua tiepida ( 1/3 Cup 1 Tbsp ) _ 50 g di burro morbido ( temperatura ambiente 1/4 Cup ) ._ 100 g ...
The simplest grilled chicken kebab with a distinctive marinade and amazing taste!!
Переглядів 3,4 тис.День тому
#Cena #pranzo #ricette #ricetta #kebab_recipes Il kebab di pollo alla griglia fatto in casa, più semplice con una marinata distintiva e un gusto straordinario!! Semplice facile e delizioso! 😍 INGREDIENTI 💖: _ 2 o 3 peperoni. _ 1 Cipolla, 2 spicchi d'aglio. _ 500 g di petto di pollo. _ Sale, paprika, coriandolo, pepe nero. _ Uno o 2 cucchiai di farina. _ Prezzemolo, scorza di un limone. _ Pane ...
It's so good you'll make it 3 times a week! Simple, easy and delicious! 😍
Переглядів 3,4 тис.День тому
#Cena #pranzo #ricette #ricetta #ricetta_vegetariana È così buona che lo preparerai 3 volte a settimana! Semplice facile e delizioso! 😍 INGREDIENTI 💖: _ Melanzana, peperone, pomodoro, aglio. _ Olio d'oliva. _ Sale, pepe, cumino. _ Cipolla. _ Prezzemolo. Buon appetito 💖 Vi invito a mettere un bel mi piace di lasciare un bel commento. GRAZIE 😍😍😍🥰 GRAZIE per aver guardato il video, per i Like e ...
Переглядів 109 тис.День тому
MESCOLA LO YOGURT CON IL CIOCCOLATO E IL RESULTATO TI STUPIRÀ!! DOLCE SENZA ZUCCHERO, SENZA FORNO. INGREDIENTI: _ 500 g Cioccolato fondente. _ 500 g Yogurt greco cremoso. _ Cacao. Molto buono e cremoso. Amici!! fatemi sapere con un mi piace e un commento se vi è piaciuta la ricetta, e da dove guardate le nostre ricette. saremo molto felici. grazie Vi invito ad Iscrivervi al mio canale e di cond...
You will never buy ice cream again! take peaches and milk make this incredibly delicious ice cream
Переглядів 5 тис.2 дні тому
Non comprerai più il gelato! prendi le pesche e il latte fai questo gelato incredibilmente delizioso. Hai le pesche e latte condensato! fai questo gelato incredibilmente buono, senza gelatiera. Gelato fatto in casa che non mi stanco mai di mangiare, cremoso che si scioglie in bocca. Ciao a tutti.💖 👉 Amici, guardate il video fino alla fine per non perdervi i dettagli. INGREDIENTI: _ Un barattolo...
Caramel carrot MUFFINS, soft and fluffy! Super delicious and disappear in an instant!!
Переглядів 3,3 тис.2 дні тому
Caramel carrot MUFFINS, soft and fluffy! Super delicious and disappear in an instant!!
It's so good you'll make it twice a week! #DESSERT Simple and Delicious!
Переглядів 3,5 тис.14 днів тому
It's so good you'll make it twice a week! #DESSERT Simple and Delicious!
It's so good you'll make it twice a week! Simple and Delicious!
Переглядів 7 тис.14 днів тому
It's so good you'll make it twice a week! Simple and Delicious!
Take your banana oat flakes and make this amazing dessert! Healthy simple and very tasty!
Переглядів 2,4 тис.14 днів тому
Take your banana oat flakes and make this amazing dessert! Healthy simple and very tasty!
Dessert in 5 minutes!! You will be amazed 😲 super tasty and disappears in an instant!! #866
Переглядів 13 тис.14 днів тому
Dessert in 5 minutes!! You will be amazed 😲 super tasty and disappears in an instant!! #866
they will disappear in 1 minute!! I'm a real bomb 🔥#EASY_AND_FAST RECIPE #865
Переглядів 3,6 тис.21 день тому
they will disappear in 1 minute!! I'm a real bomb 🔥#EASY_AND_FAST RECIPE #865
Homemade yogurt ice cream, which I never get tired of eating, Homemade ice cream
Переглядів 4,4 тис.21 день тому
Homemade yogurt ice cream, which I never get tired of eating, Homemade ice cream
Homemade yogurt ice cream, which I never get tired of eating homemade ice cream
Переглядів 3,6 тис.21 день тому
Homemade yogurt ice cream, which I never get tired of eating homemade ice cream
Переглядів 3,6 тис.21 день тому
Best CHOCOLATE CAKE in the world! It MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH, very easy and delicious 😋
Переглядів 75 тис.21 день тому
Best CHOCOLATE CAKE in the world! It MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH, very easy and delicious 😋
You have milk and some flour! make this incredibly good dessert, no oven no gelatin.
Переглядів 3,7 тис.28 днів тому
You have milk and some flour! make this incredibly good dessert, no oven no gelatin.
Mix yogurt with coffee and you will be amazed by the result! Very easy and very good. #855
Переглядів 5 тис.Місяць тому
Mix yogurt with coffee and you will be amazed by the result! Very easy and very good. #855
You will never buy ice cream again! Take the cookies and make this fabulous ice cream, #854
Переглядів 4,8 тис.Місяць тому
You will never buy ice cream again! Take the cookies and make this fabulous ice cream, #854
👌They will disappear in 1 Minute! I'm a real bomb! Quick and easy recipe 🥰
Переглядів 4,8 тис.Місяць тому
👌They will disappear in 1 Minute! I'm a real bomb! Quick and easy recipe 🥰
Dessert in 5 minutes! The dessert is so delicious that I cook it almost every day!
Переглядів 3,6 тис.Місяць тому
Dessert in 5 minutes! The dessert is so delicious that I cook it almost every day!
Add dried fruit to the dough, and the result will surprise you. easy and very tasty recipe.
Переглядів 4,3 тис.Місяць тому
Add dried fruit to the dough, and the result will surprise you. easy and very tasty recipe.
Moroccan COOKIES that melt in your mouth! Quick, easy and economical dessert #850
Переглядів 9 тис.Місяць тому
Moroccan COOKIES that melt in your mouth! Quick, easy and economical dessert #850
Moroccan BISCUITS!! 4 incredibly delicious, melt-in-your-mouth recipes #849
Переглядів 3,5 тис.Місяць тому
Moroccan BISCUITS!! 4 incredibly delicious, melt-in-your-mouth recipes #849
Forget all the recipes!! This is the tastiest thing I have ever made and eaten!!
Переглядів 7 тис.Місяць тому
Forget all the recipes!! This is the tastiest thing I have ever made and eaten!!
3 ingredients, quick delights for your family without sugar, without cooking! It melts in your mouth
Переглядів 2,8 тис.Місяць тому
3 ingredients, quick delights for your family without sugar, without cooking! It melts in your mouth
Переглядів 4,3 тис.Місяць тому
Delicious biscuits, simple, quick and economical recipe, to be made in 5 minutes. WITHOUT EGGS
Переглядів 3,7 тис.Місяць тому
Delicious biscuits, simple, quick and economical recipe, to be made in 5 minutes. WITHOUT EGGS


  • @henryka1466
    @henryka1466 19 годин тому

    Czy w zamian można dać orzechy włoskie? Pozdrawiam

  • @AmmasFoodWishes
    @AmmasFoodWishes 19 годин тому

    Amazing friend yummy yummy, tempting

  • @cookwithme655
    @cookwithme655 19 годин тому


  • @user-qu3rx2sf6f
    @user-qu3rx2sf6f 19 годин тому

    Обязательно попробую приготовить

  • @user-hs9me2dh5n
    @user-hs9me2dh5n 19 годин тому

    Супер! 👍💕💐

  • @user-hs9me2dh5n
    @user-hs9me2dh5n 19 годин тому

    Благодарю! 👍💕💐

  • @kiriakostsourounakis1886
    @kiriakostsourounakis1886 21 годину тому

    The song???

  • @KarimAouissi
    @KarimAouissi 21 годину тому

    Meshkouk Algerien, Marocaines voleuses de recettes. Ahashmou shwiya.

  • @annacampione6585
    @annacampione6585 День тому

    Questo dolce e super super delizioso! Complimenti Fatima grazie 👍👍👍👍👍👏👏🥰

  • @giannirossi2537
    @giannirossi2537 День тому

    Proverò a rifarla grazie mille!!❤

  • @jollysharma300
    @jollysharma300 День тому

    Hi. Watching from India. What is the substitute for creme caramel?

  • @fatimanezlani5300
    @fatimanezlani5300 День тому


  • @OK-yv6kg
    @OK-yv6kg День тому

    Greek yogurt with jelly(agar) additive.! Bye.!

  • @ilmumasak0706
    @ilmumasak0706 День тому

    thanks for recipie my friend🙏

  • @EshalFoodies
    @EshalFoodies День тому

    Amazing ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤stay connected ❤❤

  • @user-xr7fs6qo8q
    @user-xr7fs6qo8q День тому

    Красивый пирог и наверно вкусный, но делать его конительно.

  • @ceurodrigues1462
    @ceurodrigues1462 День тому

    Muito bom, fácil e delicioso 😋😋 Obrigada pela receita 😘🌹🌹

  • @martinabr6114
    @martinabr6114 День тому

    Posso frullare il composto la sera prima e la mattina faccio i pancake ?

    • @ricettearabe
      @ricettearabe День тому

      le puoi fare e li metti in frigorifero , ma meglio frullare e fai subito i pancake

  • @martinepoulain2091
    @martinepoulain2091 День тому

    Bonsoir ma belle, C'est trop bien préparé et présenté, ce gâteau est vraiment super sympa, j'adooooore. Facile à faire. Félicitations à toi et à très vite. 🌹💓💐💖🙏🥀🍀😘🙋‍♀️🇨🇵

  • @AmparoGonzalezFrias-se5lc
    @AmparoGonzalezFrias-se5lc День тому

    Siempre alargan mucho los videos 🤦

  • @claradagostino9939
    @claradagostino9939 День тому

    Facilissimo grazie

  • @fiorellapantosti7319
    @fiorellapantosti7319 День тому

    Una bontà immensa suppongo. Proverò le marocchine ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @beyhankzlay3635
    @beyhankzlay3635 День тому

    Greve yoğurt not turkey yogurt❤


    Enaknya terasa banget.. Suka sekali

  • @hallaaboalhasan9420
    @hallaaboalhasan9420 День тому

    ❤Dankeschön 🌷sehr lecker 😋

  • @finkaivanovska8016
    @finkaivanovska8016 День тому

    Odlicno👍 Napravit👌🏻 Pozdrav🙋😍🌿🕊

  • @marifinaramonpalasi473
    @marifinaramonpalasi473 День тому

    Sebe muy bueno, lo haré, soy de Valencia, España 😊

  • @amparomerinovallinot118
    @amparomerinovallinot118 День тому

    Que rico pues lo voy a hacer porque es muy fácil

  • @marinaocean277
    @marinaocean277 День тому


  • @Sugary_Confections
    @Sugary_Confections День тому

    Hello my friend. Your video was great and uploaded very artistically. Thank you very much.❤❤🤝🎁🎁💞🎀🤩😋😋😋😋😋😋😋🔔🤝🔔🎁🤝🎁💞💞🎀

  • @karimaaousdi4115
    @karimaaousdi4115 День тому

    Salam. Je suis de Strasbourg (France)

  • @user-pg3iq9ey7t
    @user-pg3iq9ey7t День тому

    😮😮😮😮τέλειο γλυκό ❤❤❤

  • @user-tc1py7ly8v
    @user-tc1py7ly8v День тому

    На огне с соком он какой то мутный а когда заливаете уже яркий.почему?

  • @user-tc1py7ly8v
    @user-tc1py7ly8v День тому

    Это ж диабет обеспечен но так хочется попробовать красоту

  • @user-pp2cu7in5r
    @user-pp2cu7in5r День тому


  • @martinepoulain2091
    @martinepoulain2091 День тому


  • @user-nb6tq5rv3v
    @user-nb6tq5rv3v День тому

    Решила приготовить ❤блогадарью вас

  • @DimitrijeLukic
    @DimitrijeLukic День тому

    Que delicia! Gracias por la receta.

  • @Stalker_axyet
    @Stalker_axyet День тому

    Quite tasty. And I'm glad that there is a translation into Russian. Thank you.

  • @kersyanklesaria2471
    @kersyanklesaria2471 2 дні тому

    Very tasty but can't get it crisp.... Followed your recipe to the T. Made it 3 times but can't get it crispy.

  • @user-pq3rp6dk3l
    @user-pq3rp6dk3l 2 дні тому


  • @zoilafernandez439
    @zoilafernandez439 2 дні тому

    Muy rico

  • @deborahharris8092
    @deborahharris8092 2 дні тому

    That would be good to put in banoffee pie

  • @ericamoretti7570
    @ericamoretti7570 2 дні тому

    Proverò di certo! Grazie 🤗

  • @ripped_fishnets
    @ripped_fishnets 2 дні тому

    Looks yummy 😋

  • @billurbirses1636
    @billurbirses1636 2 дні тому

    Selam. Çok güzel ayrıca saglikli❤

  • @sandragiannino9070
    @sandragiannino9070 2 дні тому

    Gracias me encanto lastima que en argentina el chocolate sale muy caro y mas el repostero pero se ve mortal el postre

  • @anne-marieroche4524
    @anne-marieroche4524 2 дні тому

    Peut on le faire la veille ?

    • @ricettearabe
      @ricettearabe День тому


    • @anne-marieroche4524
      @anne-marieroche4524 День тому

      Je vais le faire cet après-midi pour demain j’ai mes petits enfants J’espère qu’ils vont aimer car ils aiment pas le chocolat noir

  • @elisamandato6698
    @elisamandato6698 2 дні тому

    Non tagli una fetta,per il risultato finale?